MCC at a Glance
- Third largest health care provider in Marin, serving approximately 35,000 patients/year; almost 40% are children
- Nine clinics at six sites (medical, dental and teen)
- Pediatric, Family and Adult Medicine – primary care, obstetrics, women’s health, behavioral health, and specialty care
- Pediatric and Adult Dentistry
- Patient Centered Health Home model, which focuses on the patient/clinician partnership
- Optometry, Radiology, Pharmacy, Lab, Chiropractics and referrals to specialists
- Weekly Community Health Hubs/food pantries
- 340 staff, including doctors, dentists, nurses, and other clinicians
- Accept Medi-Cal, Medicare, uninsured on a sliding scale, Covered California, and other insurances
- Not-for-profit, supported by donations, foundations, and government reimbursement
In 2017, Marin Community Clinics will focus on enhancing the care we provide to our patients, with increasing emphasis on integrated care that treats the whole person.
Watch for more information and our 2016 Annual Report in the spring edition of Connecting for Health. And please take our Readership Survey – we want to know what you think about our publications
This Newsletter is available in both email and print. Let us know your preference so you can receive future mailings – Email: Gifts@MarinClinics.org or Call (415)526-8527
Increasing Care for Seniors: Partnership formed with
The Redwoods Senior Community
When it comes to health care, transportation and other logistics are significant issues for many seniors. Committed to increasing access to care, Marin Community Clinics and The Redwoods have joined forces to create an innovative new program. (Located in Mill Valley, The Redwoods is an award-winning senior community that provides multiple levels of housing and care to moderate and low-income seniors.)
We’ll be starting with bringing residents to our Larkspur Clinic, using The Redwoods shuttle service. Soon thereafter, Marin Community Clinics will offer a “suitcase clinic,” where our physicians and nurses will travel to The Redwoods on a regular basis to…. READ MORE
Politics & Healthcare
Dr. Tom Peters, President & CEO of the Marin Community Foundation, made an impassioned speech at our Fall 2016 Donors’ Breakfast regarding the potential impact of the Presidential election results. Read his remarks…
Patient Care News
Clinician Spotlight
Providing TLC to our Pediatric Dental Patients
Marin Community Clinics takes pride in the high quality, tender-loving dental care we provide to children.
In 2016, we served close to 10,000 children, but there are still hundreds of low-income children who are not getting dental care. Read more about our program and what we are doing to close the gap…. READ MORE
Meet Sheila Leffall DDS
A member of Marin Community Clinics’ dental team for the past three years, Dr. Sheila Leffall brings a life-long commitment to caring for the under-served. Part-time at the Clinics, she also works at Treasure Island, where for the past 14 years she has been the sole dentist serving enrollees in the US Department of Labor’s Job Corps.
At Marin Community Clinics, she primarily serves pediatric patients. “I really enjoy working with the kids and educating them and their parents,” she reports. “And I love Marin Community Clinics. Everyone – from the dentists to the assistants – cares about the patients and loves what they do.” …. READ MORE
Your Donations Ensure Our Future
Join the Legacy Circle
With so much uncertainty facing the healthcare system, Marin Community Clinics will be relying on philanthropic gifts more than ever in the coming years. We need your help to ensure we can continue to provide high quality, cost effective, culturally sensitive, patient-centered health care.
People have different reasons for making gifts – to honor a loved one, to express appreciation, or to enable new opportunities. People who make gifts to Marin Community Clinics appreciate what we do for our community and want to ensure the sustainability of these services.
This year, we are focusing on planned giving and building our Legacy Circle with an eye towards long term sustainability. Our Legacy Circle is a dynamic group of donors who have made gifts to our Endowment Fund (managed by the Marin Community Foundation) or notified us that they have made a commitment to Marin Community Clinics in their will or estate plan.
Please visit www.marinclinics.org/support-us for detailed FAQs about our Legacy Circle or contact a member of our Development Team at gifts@marinclinics.org or 415-798-3169.
Legacy Circle Honored
On December 8th, Marin Community Clinics hosted a special lunch at Piatti in Mill Valley honoring current Legacy Circle members. Also in attendance were community members interested in learning more about our planned giving options. A wonderful time was had by all!
At Marin Community Clinics, we rely heavily on our dynamic community of donors. It is our donors that allow us to add/enhance programs that provide quality, cost-effective, culturally sensitive, patient-centered health care. Your generous gift supports medical and dental care for children, teens, adults and seniors in need.