Now, more than ever, the national health care scene is having a direct impact on the country’s community clinics and their patients.
The proposed “public charge” legislation is one example. Many patients, acting out of fear and misunderstanding, are missing appointments and disenrolling in public support programs such as Medi-Cal. Community clinics across the U.S. are concerned about their sustainability, given reductions in Medi-Cal enrollment and the related decrease in federal funding. If the public charge legislation is enacted, California’s community clinics are projected to lose an estimated 102,000-195,500 patients and $126-240 million in revenue.
On a broader scale, the ongoing uncertainty about the future of the Affordable Care Act continues to create instability for patients and healthcare providers across the spectrum.
Our steadfast commitment to our patients & sustainability
Although the number of uninsured Marin residents continues to escalate, Marin Community Clinics remains steadfast in its commitment to serving those in need. We are not only closely monitoring public policy developments, but also taking action.
We’ve stepped up our advocacy efforts in support of patient access and are working hard with our partners to stem misinformation and fear. Importantly, we are financially strong and forward-thinking, and are putting plans in place to ensure our sustainability for the long-term. Rather than relying on Medi-Cal reimbursement as our major source of financial support, we are looking to broaden our patient population to include more patients who are covered by Medicare and other insurance plans and who need a primary care provider. New statewide programs are also part of the solution (see page 2) and community fundraising will continue to play a strong role.
It is not an easy time, but we are up to the task! And, thanks to the efforts of our Board of Directors, strong fiscal management, committed staff – and your strong support – we are on solid ground.
Mitesh Popat, MD, MPH, CEO